The theme of everyone’s life seems to be, “Life’s gonna be really different for awhile.”

And that’s okay.

While I am more of an introvert, I do like people. My misanthropic tendencies tend to be based in disappointment with people, but at the end of the day, I’ve found that they’re more good than not. I’m not worried about filling my time while practicing social distancing—runs with the dogs, reading, and organizing our home and my car immediately come to mind. Figuring out how to make some sort of circuit out of the back yard with a jump rope and some free weights will fill some time.

And just slowing down.




The irony is not lost on me.

Today was poop patrol in the back yard since the poop would mess with the aforementioned circuit. And while the original intention was poop, it also turned into pulling weeds. Weeds, man. And yes, I know people call them plants in the wrong place, and yes, I was demonstrating that. But I also thought, “Good on you for finding your spot and just using the space you need.”

So I’m gonna be a weed for awhile. And I know that sometime, someday, a cosmic gardener will pull me out by the root. Just hopefully not for awhile since I have a bunch of shit to do and family and friends to love. Plus, I just Marie Kondo’d my dude’s sock drawer and I wanna see if it lasts.

Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash
